Thursday, January 15, 2009

Green dog products

What about spending some dollars for the green products for your pet dogs.Why should you hesitate to buy a green product for your dog.It also makes our dog greener and more natural.

1.Ruff Rider Dog Safety Harness

Here is the first green product which makes your dog feel more safe while you are driving with your pet.Ruff Rider's Roadie Canine Vehicle Safety/Training Harness keeps the dog you love safe while you are driving, braking or turning and affords the best protection in extreme situations.It easily attaches to any vehicle's seatbelt system, and it includes a built-in short walking lead for all-around use.The Roadie Elite Dog Safety Harness is tested to US human seatbelt standards.The price will come around only $40.

2.Organic Blueberry Biscuits

Grandma Lucy's biscuits are 100% USDA organic ,baked with human -grade ingredients all originating in the United States or canada.

Ingrediants:Organic Wheat flour,organic dehydrated cane juice,organic soyabean and organic sunflower and organic canola oil,organic rice starch,organic blueberry,organic vanilla extract.

3.Chilly Dog fair trade sweaters

Now don't let your dogs go out in winter with coldness.chilly Dog Fair Trade sweaters are here for their rescue.Variety of colors and quality is the advantage of these sweaters.Each sweaters is made from 100% wool and was crafted in the Northern Highlands of South America by descendants of the Inca Indians. The Incas have handed down the craft of knitting through many generations. Chilly Dog directly employs two families to knit their sweaters and practices within the guidelines of Fair Trade.

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