Here are some more cool green products for you.........
Mini Sun power
This is a special type of voltage stabilizer which reduces the power usage from 10 to 20 %.IT can improve the efficiency and power factor of the electricity we use.This device has a particular feature to store electricity for 5 to 10 secs.It also helps in reducing the heating of electrical wiring. It also reduces the reactive power generated by inductive loads.One unit of this power saver can reduce the consumption of electricity by 3 to 4kwh.It would be more useful where the voltage fluctuation is more.
Voltaic backup
Tired of stopping for charging your mobile devices while you are on a journey.
Here is the solution.The new Voltaic systems product voltaic backup is a bag packed with solar panels to solve the problem of charging.This bag can be used for charging your devices and is able to deliver a power up to 4 watts.
This uses Li ion battery so that we can even charge the devices even though its a cloudy day also just like in the solar powered houses.TED energy detector
This is a most popular complete real time electricity usage monitoring system.Designed for a typical North American residence with a single 200-amp (max) service panel.This monitor helps us to regulate and use our power consumption effectively and suitably.We will get the finite details of the power usage.Any step to reduce or save sources of energy like electricity can be considered as a green concept or greening our life.
There exists always a balance between nature and its creations.Whenever some of its creatures due to its actions tries to hamper its harmony, nature itself will rectify it in the natural way.But Human Beings one of the most wonderful of its creation, progressed to control even the nature in his hands all the harmony and balance seems to lose.We need not make that happen even more . Lets make our each action so that it does not harm our environment.
Here I am introducing some more green products which does not harm our nature in its creation , use or in its destruction. 1.Glass straws
Its a change in the usage of glass straws instead of using plastic ones.Glass straws don't leach toxins into your mouth or beverage as you drink .
These glass are made of borosilicate wall tubing.It is unbreakable guarenteed due to its annealed type of construction.It can be used for hot as well as cold drinks.It is safe to use in microwave owens and dishwasher safe.
2.Holiday Lights-LED
This strawberry LEDs are so good looking as they appear in a new look.It uses only 90%less power as the producers say and are claimed 20 years of lifetime.The best part of it is that its break free due to its shape.A typical LED use $30 in power consumption over a month.These Holiday LEDs use only about 50 cents.
3.Freeplay EyeMax Weather Radio
Its a multi purpose device through which we can hear news as well as weather information and even can be used as emergency illumination.This can be self charged or using solar power and with external power source.Self charging is like it can be charged by winding.Thirty seconds of cranking gives up to 35 minutes of radio and/or light from the built-in single LED flashlight.In sunlight it automatically charges and can be played.
Can't you believe that?Yes its true the next generation fuel which could hopefully change the dependency of the non renewable fossil fuels as source of energy would be algae.
Algaes are actually green aquatic organisms that through the process of the photosynthesis can entrap our solar energy to produce vegetable oil which can be decomposed into the bio diesel.This bio diesel can be just used like other petroleum oils in the combustion engine. Algaes main advantage is that it doesn't need any fertile soil to flourish.It can be grown in any ponds or tanks or in any deserts.It just need only sunlight,water and carbon dioxide to multiply like weeds. Also because of its high surface area it can absorb nutrients more quickly than any oil producing crops and require much less space than them.
Process of extraction
- As soon as the algae colony becomes mature nullify the nitrogen supply.
- The organisms react to the nitrogen deficiency by producing extra fats in the cells.
- When enough fats are made the cells are collected and broke them apart.
- With the help of suitable solvents extract the fats out from the water soluble proteins and sugar.
- Purify the collected fats, and evaporate the solvent .
- Now a process called transesterification is carried out to transform the bio diesel out of the fats collected from the cells.
You people will be wondering about the price rise of the petroleum products and will be more cautious in its use as a gasoline in your car.Even wars are even raging with the oil issue.We know that these non renewable resources is not gonna last for long.there is always a search for an alternative especially in the field of energy resources.
So here comes the solution for you gasoline car problem.Its called 'EFUEL 100 Microfueler'.Its just like a household machine similar to washing machine which needs some power and some amount of water.This wonderful machine will make out of the sugar instead of starch the ethanol for your car. This machine is a pump station and an ethanol purifier.
So its high time to bid goodbye to the gas stations as there is one in your home that can provide you with a clean green fuel.The list price for the machine is $9,995.
This may seems to be a high price .But considering the future of our earth and the limitations due to the exhaustible non renewable sources of energy this will make some difference.

What do you think when you look for laptop which is green.What all things one must consider.Though green laptop products are not very popular, these things to be considered more seriously these days.Here are some important concepts to be considered.
- Future laptops could knock 10 percent off their energy use just by replacing hard drives with solid-state, or flash, memory, which consume less power.
- We can avoid toxic wastes like the lead in solder, for example, is now being replaced by silver and copper.
- Use of new bioplastics-plant based polymers consume less oil and energy to produce than traditional plastics.
- Displays made of or organic light-emitting diodes(OLEDs), form images with electroluminescent films can be used instead of power consuming LEDs.