Algae-the new green fuel
Can't you believe that?Yes its true the next generation fuel which could hopefully change the dependency of the non renewable fossil fuels as source of energy would be algae.
Algaes are actually green aquatic organisms that through the process of the photosynthesis can entrap our solar energy to produce vegetable oil which can be decomposed into the bio diesel.This bio diesel can be just used like other petroleum oils in the combustion engine. Algaes main advantage is that it doesn't need any fertile soil to flourish.It can be grown in any ponds or tanks or in any deserts.It just need only sunlight,water and carbon dioxide to multiply like weeds. Also because of its high surface area it can absorb nutrients more quickly than any oil producing crops and require much less space than them.
Process of extraction
- As soon as the algae colony becomes mature nullify the nitrogen supply.
- The organisms react to the nitrogen deficiency by producing extra fats in the cells.
- When enough fats are made the cells are collected and broke them apart.
- With the help of suitable solvents extract the fats out from the water soluble proteins and sugar.
- Purify the collected fats, and evaporate the solvent .
- Now a process called transesterification is carried out to transform the bio diesel out of the fats collected from the cells.
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