Cool Green Products
Here are some more cool green products for you.........
Mini Sun power
This is a special type of voltage stabilizer which reduces the power usage from 10 to 20 %.IT can improve the efficiency and power factor of the electricity we use.This device has a particular feature to store electricity for 5 to 10 secs.It also helps in reducing the heating of electrical wiring. It also reduces the reactive power generated by inductive loads.One unit of this power saver can reduce the consumption of electricity by 3 to 4kwh.It would be more useful where the voltage fluctuation is more.
Voltaic backup
Tired of stopping for charging your mobile devices while you are on a journey.
Here is the solution.The new Voltaic systems product voltaic backup is a bag packed with solar panels to solve the problem of charging.This bag can be used for charging your devices and is able to deliver a power up to 4 watts.
This uses Li ion battery so that we can even charge the devices even though its a cloudy day also just like in the solar powered houses.TED energy detector
This is a most popular complete real time electricity usage monitoring system.Designed for a typical North American residence with a single 200-amp (max) service panel.This monitor helps us to regulate and use our power consumption effectively and suitably.We will get the finite details of the power usage.Any step to reduce or save sources of energy like electricity can be considered as a green concept or greening our life.
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